Sunday, December 25, 2005

Sinner Yet Called

One of the biggest blocks to one's vocation is one's misplaced feeling of sinfulness. We all are sinful. This is one fact that we must learn to accept. And whenever, the Lord asks us to face and embrace our sinfulness, it comes with a reminder that we are tremendously and extravagantly loved by a God who does not tire to invite us into a loving and intimate relationship with him.

The sign above is a good reminder for us who feel that they are being called to the religious life. No one is too bad to come in and entertain the idea of being a religious. No matter how sinful you are or have been, the Lord calls each one and takes him for who he is. Remember, God does not love us because we are good; instead, we are good because God loves us.

Some may shut themselves from the idea of religious life because they feel that there is much more in life that they can achieve than just simply being locked in a seminary to pray and do acts of mercy. Even if you are a professional - a doctor, lawyer, engineer, businessman, or an artist - God will still find use for all these talents even if you join the religious life. Religious life does not mean that you shed off everything that is secular or worldly in you so that you can embrace things that are holy. Remember, God calls the entire of who you are and does not choose only the good part. This is why we have lawyers, doctors, engineers, musicians, accountants, and a lot more in the Society of Jesus.

As you discern whether you are being called to the religious life of not, just remember that no one is too bad to consider it and neither is anyone too good to ignore it.



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