Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Examen of Consciousness

The Examen of Consciousness is a 15-minute prayer that Jesuits
and other religious men and women pray twice a day -
once during noontime and once before bedtime.
This prayer is very helpful in bringing to one's consciousness
the movements of God in his daily life.
The prayer consists of five movements:
Counting One's Blessings
Reflecting on a Tension Experienced
Reflecting on God's Message in the Events of One's Life
Reflecting on God's Invitation
Begging for the Grace One Needs

(Disposing One's Self for Prayer)
Quiet yourself by breathing deeply.
"There are two things you should know:
First, what you are;
Second, that you are not what you are by your own power.

"Then, you will boast, but not in vain.....
So we should greatly fear that ignorance
which makes us think less of ourselves
than we should..."
(Bernard of Clairvaux)

Jesus Christ, Savior,
I pray for the grace of awareness and insight
as I ponder this day.
Living in your call to ongoing conversion, help me to see as You see!
Open my eyes to recognize you,
to see how you and your goodness and kindness
were present in the persons and events of this day.
I pray this, invoking the presence and the power of your Spirit. Amen.

(first movement)
How did I experience the goodness and kindness of Jesus this day?
How was I the goodness and kindness of Jesus to someone this day?
Praise and thank God for these moments.

(second movement)
What is the tension or dis-ease in my life today?
God, this is what happened.....
Give me the grace of insight to understand what really took place.

(third movement)
What new awareness is waking up in me?
How are you speaking to me in my heart, Lord?
Thank you, Lord, for these- they are gifts that can bring
me closer to you....

(fourth movement)
What events in this day touched me?
What response is God calling me to through
these events?

(fifth movement)
What grace do I need right now to respond to you, God,
more deeply and faithfully?


I thank you, Loving God, for the gifts of this day,
and the gifts of this prayer time.
(Conclude with your own prayer of gratitude.)

from www.sdssisters.org


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